Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Scary or Merry?

Click the above to read the NY Times coverage of the Fed's decision to lower the interest rate!

Monday, October 29, 2007

New Hotel at IBM Plaza?

Crain's Chicago Business is reporting that plans are in the works for a hotel in the lower floors of the IBM plaza (in which the company no longer keeps its offices). The Mies van der Rohe tower would then, according to the terms of the deal, be granted landmark status.

Florida Withstands the Real Estate Hurricane

"The New York Times" has an interesting piece today on Florida real estate, a market in which Chicagoans too have a stake!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Is Big Brother Watching You?

If so, he is getting "smarter"! Click on the title for the NPR story on smart surveillance cameras in our fair city. For reading or listening.

Color Me Beautiful

Domestik Goddess (listed on our favorite links) is featuring a great tool today -- the online, limited version of "GenoPal," which can be purchased in an expanded edition for about $50. The fun thing to do is upload a picture, such as that of this living room above, and then push the button to receive a palette of colors that reflect and complement its decor. Click on the above link to see the palette for this picture, and here to see a detailed palette based on a single color (green):

It's lots of fun! --And a great tool for decorating or home staging.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Countrywide Changes Its Tune

NPR's "Morning Edition" has excellent coverage of Countrywide's change of heart: click on the link to read or hear the story about the decision to treat customers as such!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Silver Lining

The subprime loan crisis isn't bad news for everybody -- particularly buyers. The New York Times has an interesting article on house auctions (click on the title to read).

In the same paper, Paul Krugman's take on the Fed's coping plan has gotten a lot of attention.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Trump This

Chicago Real Estate Daily is reporting on a lawsuit filed against Donald Trump by a couple whose "friends-and-family" contract was declared null and void by the developer. We'll see what the courts say!

(Photo by Stephen J. Serio)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Chicago #2 in FSBO Sales

"The Real Estate Bloggers" are reporting today that Chicago is "Second City" -- behind only New York -- when it comes to people selling their homes without an agent. What they don't say is how much better both seller and buyer could have done with the right professional assistance, ha ha ! Here is the complete list:

1. New York, N.Y. (12.7 percent)
2. Chicago (5.1 percent)
3. Washington, D.C. (3.2 percent)
4. Miami (2.6 percent)
5. Los Angeles (2.3 percent)
6. Norfolk, Va. (2.1 percent)
7. Atlanta (2.0 percent)
8. Salt Lake City (1.8 percent)
9. Dallas (1.7 percent)
10. Tampa, Fla. (1.6 percent)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Weekend Shopping

When it comes to cell phones, I am a big fan of the hands-free headset. As with most technology, however, the market moves faster than the average shopper. Fortunately, "Slate" has an informative piece that will help you find your next earpiece. Check it out!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Age and Real Estate: The Young, the Old, and the Restless

Check out this great story on Generation Y (also known to some of us more mature types as Generation Why?) and their relationship to real estate.

On the other end of the scale, some sage advice for those contemplating a move in their 70s and beyond: to rent or to buy? That is the question.

Whatever your age, have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Property Taxes Are Coming Due!!

Don't be caught by surprise when that tax bill arrives! Cook County Residences can expect theirs in the near future. For more information from the county click on the link above. Past and future customers can also contact our offices with any further questions.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Real Estate Psychology: What are Buyers Thinking?

This is a very informative essay for people who are buying OR selling a home. Clear, concise, and interesting: what more can you ask for on a Monday morning?