Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Trump Tower

After Labor Day, we start to get reflective. This was the Trump building just a year and a half ago. How time flies!

1 comment:

  1. This story always keep coming up in the real estate community. Many of my cleints who I finance in Trump always ask me this question. I'm sure Jason Greenblat from Trumps legal team would love to comment on this, but I will give you what I know. There are several individuals within the "Friends and Family Plan" That have purchased their units in the very early stages of the project. These individuals purchased or made committment to purchase these units with very little money down and at dramatically reduced prices. These prices are way below what the units are selling for currently. It's rumored and I dont' have the specific details. That on top of the great price that they paid for it, they were also given an addtional discount that Trump took away because all of the investors had purchased at such a great price. Trump felt he lived up to his end of the bargain by delivering a project that justifies a much higher price than what they paid (and I know first hand it is a much higher price) and a couple of individuals felt that they were entitled to an even deeper discount. I guess you be the judge. I ahve my own opinion, but I will leave it to my self.
